
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Oklahoma legislative bills introduced for 2018 session

4 pro-vaccine bills
13 anti-vaccine bills


SB1433  - Dahm
Add section to current law that “child abuse” shall not include refusal to vaccinate a child or a decision to delay vaccination of a child.

SB1551 – Dahm
(same as HB 1386 in 2017 by Gann - defeated in committee and HB 3016 in 2016 by Grau, Ritz, Roberts, Murphey of the house and Dahm of the senate - vetoed by Gov Fallin)
"Parental Rights Immunization Act" - Healthcare providers must provide relevant information for informed consent prior to vaccination, including VIS (Vaccine Information Statement), info on NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program), the CDC Vaccine Excipient List/Vaccine Injury Table/Contraindications and Precautions to Vaccination.

SB1432 – Dahm
Adds section to current law that “administration of any immunization” is excluded in the routine medical care and treatment provided for children taken into custody.

SB1220 - McCortney

Similar to HB 3288 - to provide information to assisted living center residents about risks of influenza disease, availability/effectiveness and contraindications of influenza vaccination, influenza symptoms, means of spread and current VIS (Vaccine Information Sheet) from the CDC no later than Sep 1 of each year.

SJR57 – Yen
Strike from current law ability for immunization exemption made solely due to written statement by parent, guardian or legal custodian.

SB1123 – Yen
Similar to above

HCR1012 - West
A Concurrent Resolution urging Congress to repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which was signed into law to reduce the potential financial liability of vaccine manufactures.

HB3288 – Enns
New law to provide information to assisted living center residents about risks of influenza disease, availability/effectiveness and contraindications of influenza vaccination, influenza symptoms, means of spread and current VIS (Vaccine Information Sheet) from the CDC no later than Sep 1 of each year.

HB2627 – West
New law to prevent an employer from refusing to hire, discriminate in any manner related to employment on the basis that the person has not been vaccinated. It may require an employee that has not been vaccinated against influenza to comply with a reasonable alternative policy adopted by employer, shall not be expanded to other diseases.

HB3444 – Gann
Set up new section of law entitled “Oklahoma Choice in Vaccination Act of 2018”

HB2685 – Strohm
Education; creating the Vaccination Informed Consent Act of 2018; effective date. 

HB2684 - Strohm

A newborn infant shall not be immunized without the written consent of the parent. Consent shall be obtained at the time of immunization and may not be obtained prior to immunization of the child. 

HB2675 - Strohm

Health; creating the Immunizations Informed Consent Act of 2018; effective date.

HB3443 – Gann

New law “A parent or legal guardian of a child shall have the right to exempt a child from vaccination for any reason that is determined by the parent or legal guardian. The State Department of Health shall be prohibited from denying a vaccine exemption.
HB3442 – Gann
New law to allow exemption for immunization of a child in a kinship care home or foster care home.

HB2624 – West
Set up new section of law entitled “Immunization and Parental Rights Act of 2018”

HB2623 – West

Amend law that any proposed change to required immunizations for school enrollment by approved via State Legislature.